Special thanks to moderators of SOCM-FORUM,the e-groups forum of Jacobite Syrian Church and the webmaster of MalankaraVoice-the
internetservice provider for Jacobite Syrian Church.
I am deeply indebted to Mr.John Philip who is the man behind the websites of Parumala Thirumeni, Syriac Christianity.org
and HB Baselius Paulose II .Compared to what he has done for Church in the webworld,mine is negligible.I esteem his spirit
for safeguarding faith,truth and integrity of Church.And also the way he promotes it by means of utilising his full stength
and ability.Special thanks once again to Mr.John Philip.
Special thanks to Chev. Thomas Daniel,Cheppaud.
Special thanks to Mr.Chandy Andrews,Puthupally and Mr.Jerrin Joseph,Adoor.Your true spirit for upholding faith and integrity
of the Church is worth appreciable.
Special thanks to Mr.Joby Yeldo who helped me during the creationof this site.He is like a younger brother to me and
I feel the future of the Church lies in youth like him.
Special thanks to Prof.Dr.C.A.Ninan -my malpono,guide and my eternal source of inspiration.
Thanks to all my wellwishers...